Tom Fleet

Tom Fleet


Sector: In-house
Location: Yorkshire & North East

Tom completed a degree in European Business Studies and French in 1994. In 2000, he began his legal recruitment career and has assisted clients with their in-house legal recruitment needs ever since. For the first four years of his recruitment career, he was based in London recruiting in house legal counsel before moving to Yorkshire in 2004.

Tom has over fifteen years of experience working with companies across Yorkshire and the North East, including Arriva, Asda, BUPA, Bettys & Taylors, Carlsberg, DHL, Drax Power, Engie, Fujifilm, Hermes Parcelnet, Johnson Matthey, Keepmoat, Mamas & Papas, Mayborn, Parkdean, Newcastle Building Society,  SAGE, and Zenith.

Tom and the in-house team are committed to helping develop the sector and the legal professionals who work within it. As part of this commitment, Tom and the team regularly run CPD accredited training courses in conjunction with a range of Yorkshire and Newcastle based leading law firms. The courses range from legal updates to ‘softer skill’ developmental programmes.

Over the past seventeen years, BCL Legal has become one of the leading legal recruitment consultancies and in that time the in-house team has placed over 1500 legal and compliance professionals into in-house roles.

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