Mark Levine
Mark Levine
Managing Director: In-house

Articles From the Team

How to work with recruiters effectively – what to be mindful of

I’ve spent the last 17 years building up my contacts and relationships in the North-West legal community. When you ask me to find you a lawyer, I use every one of those 17 years to think of who I know, who’d like your opportunity, and who’d be right for you.

Once I’ve introduced my network to you, the recruitment campaign is in your hands (I’ll always assist, but bottom line, clients have their own processes to run).

Cut to the end of the process

As only one lawyer gets the job, this leaves me in a position where I have to thank the applicants I’ve put forward: for their time and effort. I really do thank them; without their participation, it’s hard for clients to know when they’ve found ‘the one’. Of course, these lawyers enter the recruitment process because they’re interested in the job, but as I often state, a recruitment campaign needs three elements to work in unison. If this doesn’t happen, the negative effects are felt by all; especially the recruiter who’s left picking up the pieces with those he or she has introduced to you.

Recent examples

I’ve just completed a campaign where the client was relatively open-ended on whom they might choose PQE/salary wise. In the end, it boiled down to two individuals and the client could’ve gone either way. Interestingly, the lawyer who didn’t get the offer is actually another client of mine who I’m assisting with a piece of recruitment. Nobody likes ‘rejection’ and bearing this news is – hands down – the worst part of my job. Thankfully, this individual was an absolute gentleman about it and our positive relationship continues.

Conversely, I’ve encountered a situation where the whole process was long and arduous, and in the end, the recruiting client had a change in thought-process, which meant they didn’t make the offer that was expected. The lawyer (also a client of mine), was really upset with me as he viewed my introduction of the opportunity as a waste of time – workwise and emotionally.

Bottom line

Whether this reaction is right or wrong isn’t the point. For me, the outcome was the loss of a relationship due to events outside of my control. This happens in recruitment – possibly more than clients recognise.

As the adage goes: you can’t please all of the people all of the time. But I guess we can all be mindful that in most processes there is only one ‘winner.’ Therefore, every step that’s taken throughout a recruitment campaign should care for all of those involved.

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