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Unsuccessful interview?  5 top tips to get the result you are looking for

If you are looking to move to a new role then there is a possibility that you might attend some interviews and not be successful.  Finding out you’ve been unsuccessful after an interview is never easy but whether you use the experience to improve your interview technique for next time, or end up figuring out what type of job is really right for you, you might be surprised just how much unsuccessful interviews are actually moving you forward.

Here are 5 top tips to help you get the result you are looking for in future interviews:

What went wrong?

There will undoubtedly be positives to take away from your interview, but they aren’t necessarily the things you’re going to learn from.

Instead, think specifically about what went wrong, and how you can stop yourself from making the same mistakes at your next interview.

Don’t dwell on every little detail, or think too hard about things which probably didn’t affect the recruiter’s decision. But whether it’s a question that caught you off guard, or completely misjudging the type of process in place, paying more attention to these factors during your preparation will play dividends in the long run.

Did you do enough research?

It can be difficult finding to time to look for a new job whilst trying to balance work and family commitments, however, unfortunately there is no getting around this!

Did you really spend enough time on your preparation, for example? Did you do enough research around the role? If the answer’s no, then it might be time to go back to basics and do some more homework.

Use your last interview as a template to guide how you can improve. It will give your research a greater sense of direction, not to mention provide you with some much-needed reassurance before the big day.

Actually ask what went wrong

If you’re not sure where you went wrong, ask.

The benefit of using a recruiter is that you can take advantage of their expertise and wealth of knowledge for free!  Reaching out to a recruiter for feedback will help you highlight the key areas to improve on. They may not always be able to give you a detailed breakdown, but even a few constructive comments could make all the difference when it comes to your technique.

Put your skills down on paper

Did you give your skills and experience the attention they deserved during the interview? Being able to voice what makes you a good fit for the role is absolutely vital if you’re going to sell yourself to your interviewer. It will also allow you to take comfort in the fact you’ve covered all bases.

Become more aware of your abilities by creating a list of your core strengths that you think represent you best then supplement this with examples of experience you have that demonstrate your skills.  This way, you’ll build on your confidence on a personal level, and will also be able to get across the real you as much as possible in your next interview.

Once you’ve made your list, try matching it to the job description to see how closely you align – and use those similarities to help you impress.

Don’t take it too personally

Finally, never take interview rejection as a personal attack.

Remember, aside from the specific work-based requirements, a recruiter’s judgment is primarily based on first impressions. And, unfortunately, their decision is driven by the fact that they can only choose one person.

A rejection doesn’t necessarily mean they didn’t like you, it just means that someone else might’ve been a slightly better fit for that particular role.

Maintain a positive mind-set throughout the process, and use everything you’ve learned to help make you stronger at your next interview.

Improve with every interview, and you’ll have nothing to worry about.

For more information, please contact Victoria Moore at BCL Legal.

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