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A change is as good as a rest

We cannot love our work all of the time and sometimes, things don’t work out and going to work every day becomes a nightmare. For some people, things will suddenly change and you’ll know it’s time to move on. For others, work will simply start to grind you down becoming a persistent itch, you just cannot scratch.

Leaving any job is not a decision you should make on a whim, there are many factors you need to think about before you take the leap. A change of job is likely to have a great impact on your life and, if you were wondering whether the time is right, here are some of the examples of where you probably have no choice.

Is work impacting on your health?

Trouble sleeping? Suffering from migraines? Lack of appetite/ too busy to eat? Sound familiar? If so, it is time to move on! You are likely putting your body and mind under severe stress, which can lead to psychiatric illnesses, high blood pressure and heart problems.

Deterioration or lack of relationship with your boss

Communication with your boss has broken down and you are finding that your working environment has changed - you are being left out of important meetings, getting the cold shoulder or having your work undermined in front of others.

Have a chat your boss to find out what exactly is going on, maybe there is a reasonable explanation for the changes in behaviour. The worrying alternative is that it could be your boss has lost faith and is pushing you out. Either way, it needs to be addressed so that you can both move forward.

You have simply become bored

It is so important that you continue to remain engaged; it is your employer’s responsibility to ensure you are being mentally challenged, be it by creating development opportunities, creating recognition and reward and communicating effectively. All these factors will have a direct effect on your motivation and loyalty to the company.

You may have started as a paralegal before beginning your training contract and eventually becoming a solicitor and, over the years, you have been developing your skills, building your confidence and adding a huge amount of value to your organisation.

It is probably now the case that you have more knowledge than your role requires, you may find that you are overqualified for your level of responsibility, with no room for progression - if that is the case, it's most definitely time to start looking elsewhere, somewhere that you can put your hard-earned experience and skills to good use.

You are not getting the work life balance you require

It is very difficult to strike the right balance between home, work and social life, especially if you have children and a family to consider and as family life remains at the forefront of everything we go to work for, firms are now alive to the need to offer the option of working from home or flexible hours.

If they are not or you do not get enough time to gym or socialise with your friends, you need to ask yourself whether a balance can be struck in your current job and, if not, are you satisfied or being rewarded sufficiently for sacrificing your quality of life?

If you are reading this and feeling as though it is time to move on by looking for a firm which pays more, offers a better cultural fit or even better development opportunities then get in touch with the professionals here at BCL Legal – we offer a complete, nationwide service working with top tier internationals to sole practitioners on your local village high street.

For more information contact BCL Legal or email us at

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