Articles From the Team

BCL vs 3 well known legal recruitment jobs boards

I recently wrote a blog on recruitment and the digital age and how candidates prefer to be contacted via email or text message,  having recently read an article on recruitment grapevine about how the human element is critical in the future of recruitment. This article was very interesting given what I had noticed in the way that candidates are interacting in relation to their job search.

As much as technology is evolving and we become more reliant on smart phones and tablets. This means that recruiters are going to have to become a lot savvier in the way that they attract top talent. It won’t just be a matter of picking up the phone and saying “I’m working on a great opportunity”. I personally feel that brand recognition is going to be key in the future and not just from an agency point of view but also from the client side. If you go shopping and you see a new brand on the shelf most people are reluctant to buy the product as we are creatures of habit and go with what we know, until we hear a review of the product or get a recommendation. This is the same with recruitment agencies; you tend to go with someone you know or someone that has been recommended to you.

Every recruitment agency will have a website, but how good the website is and how user friendly it is could determine whether someone decides to use you over another agent. Social media is also becoming a strong marketing tool and the difference between being successful and unsuccessful is embracing these changes and coming up with fresh new marketing ideas and not being left behind. There is always going to be a need for human interaction in recruitment and it will be those recruiters that embrace changes in the way humans interact that will survive.

Looking at the statistics of residential property candidates registered in the last 6 months, it is interesting to see that 51.04% registered directly via BCL Legal and from the 3 job boards (which will remain anonymous) 48.96% were registered. I think this says a lot about BCL Legal and the brand as a whole in that we can attract a large majority of our candidates directly. Here at BCL Legal we know that times are changing and as good as our website is we will be launching an even better one in the New Year which will be even more user friendly, particularly for people on the move and using handheld devices. Watch this space!

If you are looking to secure a new job and would like a confidential discussion our website BCL Legal.

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