Articles From the Team

Birmingham - the land of opportunity!

I read a good spread on Birmingham in this month’s edition of the Law Society Gazette (19th May edition, pages 14-16). I don't often get a chance to read the LSG mag - perhaps I should more often! It was an overwhelming endorsement for how much Birmingham has to offer solicitors. There was good commentary from the LSG, partners from DWF, Trowers & Hamlins, Gateley, Wragge Lawrence Graham & Co, Eversheds and one or two legal recruitment consultants. It got me thinking.

First of all I thought I would have loved to have been involved in that article (!!!), then I thought about whether all of the stats offered in the piece that supported these opportunities were truly accurate…? It made me realise that whilst one or two of the percentages look very encouraging, one or two of the others are actually doing the market here a slight injustice, particularly the stat about the increase in commercial property vacancies (49% more than 12 months ago). The main point being that our research at BCL Legal actually supports the fact that there hasn't been a 49% increase in commercial property jobs but actually more like 200% year on year. Similar for corporate and commercial (although not as punchy), we have seen an increase of around 50% in the number roles that exist now as opposed to 12 months ago.

You only have to take a look around Birmingham to see how much is going on. The new library, New Street Station and the Grand Central Scheme etc etc. I go for a run at lunch time twice a week and weather permitting I always head for Birmingham's superb canal network, last week I ran out towards Aston Science Park and suddenly noticed how many huge office structures are emerging from all around our fair city. The place has been on the up and up now for a good few years. Admittedly we often find that solicitors who have relocated here from other cities have come here not usually because they have chosen Birmingham or because they love the place and always have done since they were child, but more often than not, lawyers relocate here due to family commitments (example: London based wife and husband had kids or planning to, they want to be close to mum and dad in the Midlands and so want to relocate, one or other is a lawyer so Birmingham makes a lot of sense etc etc).

Whatever the reason for relocating here, you will not be disappointed with what you find on offer. For a confidential chat about the Birmingham legal market please don't hesitate to contact BCL Legal or call 0845 241 0933.

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