Articles From the Team

Birmingham Trainee Solicitors – calling all 2017 qualifiers

Hello 2017! Now that January is nearly over, it is time for a moment of reflection here at BCL in Birmingham. What a month it has been! For a few of us (mainly those partaking in dry January or some crazy new fitness regime) it has been a bit of a long month – a lot of chat about Joe Wickes, nutri bullet recipes, aching limbs and what to watch on Netflix as no one is going out!!!

On the work front we have also been extremely busy. In the last month we have been instructed on a raft of new roles in the city, covering; employment, finance, corporate, litigation restructuring and commercial/IP/IT. As the largest specialist legal recruiter in Birmingham we have the advantage of working with all of the city centre firms, leading national and local firms in the wider West Midlands and we also have a dedicated in-house team.

Birmingham is booming at the moment. You only have to look outside the window to see the construction work going on within the CBD and the new Paradise Birmingham development. Local industry sectors including automotive and manufacturing are also doing extremely well.

This all adds up to very exciting times ahead for those of you who are due to qualify this year. It really is a great time to be young professional in Birmingham. So what happens next? What do you need to do?

For March qualifiers, fingers crossed you have already heard whether your training firm have a role for you upon qualification. If you haven’t found out yet or if you are concerned there might not be a role or you would like to explore the market, panic not! Please get in touch for a confidential chat about your situation and we can talk things through and give you an update on the market and the roles we are working on. Together we can formulate a plan of action and put you in the best position to secure your ideal NQ job. 

Those of you qualifying in September have a little more time to play with – but it pays to be prepared and informed. A great place to start would be to sign up for our NQ Careers Seminar on Thursday 23rd February which we are hosting the event in conjunction with the Birmingham Trainee Solicitor Society - @BTSS events. All 2017 qualifiers are welcome!

The free event is taking place at the Botanist in Birmingham – arrival drinks will be served between 6 – 6.30pm. There will be guest speakers from both private practice and in-house and we will cover the following topics; an overview of the market including new entrants, the different legal sectors, the regions, mergers, international opportunities and relocating, the impact of BREXIT and current events, the qualification process itself including; timescales, how agencies work, CV and interview prep.

There will also be the opportunity to submit questions in advance for the Q&A session – further details will be provided by email when you sign up. There will be drinks on arrival and further drinks and canapés will be served after the talks and there will be also be a chance to chat informally to all the speakers. As places are restricted please email to reserve your spot and avoid disappointment.

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