Articles From the Team

Do you suffer from Monday blues? It doesn’t have to be this way...

Long gone are the days when people would stay in a job for life, meaning that it is far more acceptable to move around for a better opportunity be it for a more comfortable work-life balance and/or financial reasons. So how do you know when it is time to call your recruiter to help you secure your next role? Well, get your pen ready and tick which ones of the following apply to you:

1) Count down to Friday…begins on Sunday evening! Most of us look forward to a well-earned break that the weekend offers from the hustle and bustle of a busy office environment, but if that is the only highlight of your whole week, and Sunday evening fills you with a sense of dread of what awaits on Monday morning than you are not in a satisfying role. Those who gain fulfilment from their work do not experience such feelings on a regular basis.

2) Promotion…maybe next year. If you have been at your current role for some time, continuously performed well and went the extra mile by working through your lunch breaks and out of hours but yet there is no promotion in sight, it may well be that you are undervalued and go unnoticed by those who really matter.

3) Lack of motivation =Slack in performance. With the above in mind, an employee who feels undervalued, underpaid and overlooked will eventually suffer from lack of motivation. Sadly, this will set you further apart from that much sought after promotion as lack of motivation will have an adverse affect on your performance, attitude and possibly even team spirit. This not only puts you at risk of losing your job but also having to walk away with a less than favourable reference. If you lost the zest for your job, find a new one before you are forced to!

4) Permanent stress mode and sleepless nights. Being a lawyer is demanding (no ifs or buts) and many are accustomed to long hours and high stress levels. However, if you do not recall your last holiday, find yourself twisting and turning in bed at 3am or worse still, work through the whole night, you have a serious work/life balance problem on hands. It is likely that stress will eventually catch up with you and start to take a toll on your health. Whilst, stress is part of being a lawyer some firms do offer a better work/life balance so find one that cares about its employees.

If you find yourself sighing in discontent and more than one of the above apply to you, it is a good indicator that the grass may really be greener on the other side. However, do not make any hasty decisions just yet but if you are a qualified solicitor in private practice, do give at BCL Legal a call to discuss the private client market as well as existing opportunities. The job you love may just be a phone call away….

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