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How can employee’s best add value to an employer?

Nowadays, when an employer is looking to take on additional headcount, they tend to hire the candidate who is willing to go above and beyond their job description to add long-term value to the business.

Convincing the interviewer you can perform the role is no longer enough - it is demonstrating your potential to grow and progress within the company that will ultimately help you stand out from other candidates at interview.

So, how can I add value to an employer?

Keep up to date with technology With technological advancements constantly changing the way we do things, it is crucial to ensure that you keep up to date with new processes and find effective ways of improving your performance.

Work on your people skills Often in the legal world, candidates get so hung up on trying to prove their technical abilities that they forget that ultimately, employers tend to hire and promote people who they like and can work with.

Keep a record of 'softer' skills you have used in your role which you can demonstrate in future interviews. By providing examples of how you have interacted with stakeholders both internally and externally, this will enable the interviewer to get a feel for your personality and assess whether you would get on with other people in the team.

Think about your personal brand Being positive and having a ‘can-do’ attitude will have a real effect on the morale of those around you. If you are seen as being negative or are not getting involved in team activities, this can very quickly tarnish your internal personal branding. Your actions and people’s perception of you will always get passed on to the management team, so you want to ensure that nothing short of PRAISE is being discussed. Remember that everyone you come into contact with, no matter how close or distant, your relationship is your marketing vehicle to both short and long term success within a business.

Take accountability for your own career progression Your employer won’t always come out and ask you to take on extra responsibilities, but if you want to progress within your career then it is up to you to be proactive and use your initiative to improve your own skillset.

Carry out some independent research to see what employers’ expectations are for your role in the wider market, then make sure that your technical skills and/or qualifications match these.

Be aware of market trends within your industry. Do you require further external training? Speak to your manager! Aim to become the subject matter expert in your team, this will make you an invaluable resource to any company. You never know when the next career opportunity will arise, but remember, having a good personal character recommendation from a previous employer will always be of value when you’re looking for your next job.

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