Mark Levine
Mark Levine
Managing Director: In-house

Articles From the Team

How quickly the market changes…

Although 2013 ended up being an active recruitment market as far as the in-house legal market was concerned it was still ‘client led’. By that I mean there were fewer jobs available than the number of lawyers looking for a role – which meant that if an offer was made to a lawyer you could be pretty sure it would be accepted. How quickly the world changes! I would now suggest that the number of in-house legal jobs outweigh the number of ‘applicable’ candidate lawyers looking for a move – and by quite a margin.

In the past couple of months frustratingly for us and our clients, numerous candidates have pulled out of processes (that they were likely to receive an offer for) due to finding a role elsewhere or deciding that their current organisation offered ‘new’ potential given the stronger economic market.

I have written numerous times before about what clients need to do to be sure their recruitment process does not lead them to losing out on their chosen candidates. Now more than ever this advice needs to be taken into consideration.

If you would like to know more please contact Mark Levine or visit our website BCL Legal

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