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How to prepare for an interview

So you have just secured an interview for your dream job, great! As the date gets closer, the nerves start to kick in and you realise that a lot of preparation is needed. If you prepare and practise you can get the better of your nerves. This can give you the best chance of getting the job.

To get an understanding of the company and the products and services they offer, the best place to start is their website. You will also be able to use the website as a way to find out some more information about the people that are interviewing you and who you could possibly be working with. Information on the company is always great to have, however it’s not the only information you will need! If you are looking to make the move into a new industry you should have good background knowledge about it so you can impress at the interview.

At most first stage interviews, the employer will go through the potential employees CV in detail, therefore it is important that you know your CV inside out as well as what it is you are looking for in your next role. Sit down with your CV and make notes, as if you were preparing for an exam. Ensure that you have studied your work history and what you have achieved in each role and most importantly how your skills and qualifications compare to the job description.

The final part of the prep is to remember to prepare yourself. This is the bit most people forget to give enough time to, so don't get caught out and make sure that you would feel confident in answering any questions that are thrown at you. A few tips include; Be sure you know the date, time and location of the interview as well as the names od the interviewers, decide how you will get there and ensure you arrive in good time, plan what to wear the night before and make sure you have a list of questions for the end of the interview!

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