Articles From the Team

One year in….

I have just celebrated my one year anniversary with BCL Legal and the time has flown by. Well I suppose they do say that time flies when you are having fun! Along with the fun, there has also been the learning curve; with great thanks to those who work around me, they taught me a great deal from their vast experience in recruitment. Some had only been here a matter of months when I joined and others had been here right from the start of BCL Legal, 12 years ago. Between all of them they have helped me, guided me and supported me so that I could succeed as a specialist legal recruiter. When I look back to this time last year it seems like it was only yesterday and these past 12 months have certainly been a journey, one which I have enjoyed and one that has enabled me to look forward to the next year and many more to come.

It really has been a great year! Before joining BCL Legal I had my own opinion of recruiters from a personal experience when I was an Employment Solicitor back in the day. It was not so much a negative experience, more of a lack of understanding from myself of what legal recruitment agencies were all about and what was involved within their processes. Since joining BCL Legal I have learned about the values that we offer here, to clients and candidates alike. It has been a great learning experience.

We are consultative, we talk to you and, just as importantly, we listen to what your needs are. We have a unique way of working here at BCL Legal and it certainly seems to be going well for us as we are the largest specialist legal recruiter outside of London and growing!

The things I enjoy about recruitment are speaking to candidates and clients, developing that trusted relationship with them and being able to provide a great and memorable service. Each time I recruit it’s a different situation for the candidate but the approach always remains the same; this makes our recruitment process consistent but also interesting. Each candidate I speak to has a different story, a different situation and always their own personal reason for wanting to make that move.

It’s been a great year, a productive year and I’m looking forward to the next and many more years to come with BCL Legal.

Here at BCL Legal I focus on private practice recruitment in the East Midlands and Home Counties, specialising in recruiting partners, directors, senior associates, associates, solicitors and newly qualified solicitors of across all commercial disciplines.

If you would like to talk about your job search or perhaps just get an update on what’s going on in the market, please do get in touch or visit our website BCL Legal.

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