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Should I leave my job?

A Gallup poll of more than one million employed US workers, found that the number one reason people quit their jobs is that they don’t like their boss. Apparently the survey determined that 75% of workers who voluntarily left their jobs did so because of their boss and not actually because they disliked the role itself.

This is slightly different to another survey conducted in August 2016 by Paychex. This survey concluded that in fact feeling underpaid was the number one reason people leave their roles; 69% of people surveyed expressed departure from a company to be down to the salary. In this study this was very closely followed by 63% of workers leaving due to feeling overworked…probably going hand in hand with feeling underpaid!

To make life a little more confusing, another survey published in Forbes in May 2017 showed that actually the reasons people leave their roles is much more diverse than simply salary or a horrible boss; a massive connection was found between employee satisfaction and the freedom to make decisions and feeling valued with 28% of workers being likely to leave for pastures new due to feeling micromanaged, and 15% for not liking the culture or the working environment in the office.

But what’s the point in gathering this information? Well with belt-tightening and cost-cutting being at the top of everyone’s lists, attrition rates of companies being considered by prospective employees as a reason to join or not to join somewhere, and an increasingly diminishing candidate pool meaning recruitment is very competitive, companies and firms are looking more and more into the reasons why people look to leave their jobs in order to be proactive rather than reactive.

A US based company called CEB “equips customers with the intelligence to manage talent, customers and operations” (– that’s their tag line!). They help companies look into not just at why people leave but when. They’ve learnt that what really affects people is how they feel they are doing in comparison to others at their level, and its “particular moments in life” at which people tend to make these comparisons, that they believe we should concentrate on.

Analysis of the data gathered focusing on said “particular moments in life” has shown that there is an increase in job hunting activity on work anniversaries and milestone birthdays like hitting 40 or 50 years of age! These occasions prove as popular times to reflect on your life and at these times the data shows increased activity of job seekers by between 6 and 12%!

But all data gathered and statistics aside, the reality is you spend over half of your conscious week at work so why do it in a job you dislike! Whether your boss wants to have that chat or not, there is clearly something you are not happy with if you are surfing the net looking for new roles all day. If this is the case please call me on 0121 230 1020 or email me at

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