Articles From the Team

“Teamwork makes the dream work”

As Christmas is upon us and work starts to wind down, have I finally found my softer side? This has been one of the busiest and most successful years ever, both at BCL Legal and for me personally since I moved into legal recruitment. I can’t say it has come easily though, as the level of activity in the legal market has increased significantly, so has the level of competition and pressure in delivering quality candidates to clients when they need them most. I can honestly say I have never worked harder than in 2014, and now with bags under my eyes it shows!

As I reflect on the year though, I’ve realised that I haven’t worked in isolation, although sometimes selfishly I try to, I simply can’t. As an ex boss once told me, no individual is greater than the club, referring to the great Alex Ferguson and his achievements with the players and staff around him – although at the moment as Man Utd’s success seems to be waning in since the departure of Sir Alex I’m not so sure about the latter, but the principle still remains, no one can achieve success alone.

At BCL the team I work in as undoubtedly played a huge part in not only my success this year, but my personal enjoyment in work. As well as being able to work at a faster pace with more heads together sharing ideas and providing support, each individual in our team has individual strengths and skills that go beyond the scope of me alone or any one individual. I won’t name names, that’s going too far, but the commerciality and fast pace of one individual combined with the focus and thoroughness of another, simply makes a great combination. I can’t say we are not competitive, far from it, but healthy competitiveness is good. I’ve learnt a lot this year, both as a legal recruiter and individual. Despite the blood, sweat and tears, we’ve achieved so much together and long may it continue into next year.

I cannot accept credit for the title of this blog, “Teamwork makes the dream work” are the inspired words of my colleague Paul Warburton, but have become the mantra of the team that sometimes we forget but need to be reminded of. Seeing as I’ve started in football, I may as well finish in football too – to quote an ex Old Trafford legend “The secret of team performance is harmony. Harmony in a team means everybody playing together and thinking as one” (Eric Cantona, 1996). Well if it works for Ferguson and Cantona, it works for me. Have a very Merry Christmas and prosperous 2015 to all!

For more information, please contact BCL Legal or call 0845 241 0933.

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