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The advantages of using a Legal Recruitment Consultant

The advantages of using a Legal Recruitment Consultant

There are several advantages to using a legal recruitment consultant as opposed to finding your own job in the current market. We all know how difficult it can be to look for a new job whilst already in a job. Hours spent perfecting your CV, then more hours spent trawling through jobs on the internet, in the paper and magazines. Further hours can be spent completing application forms; paper, online or both and then drafting different cover letters for each application. Not to mention, the time you need to book off for potential interviews.

Using an experienced legal recruitment consultant saves a lot of your precious time. Just 1 hour spent in discussion with a member of our team is an excellent investment considering it will allow you to spell out exactly what you are looking for to someone who knows the market well and who’s job it is to find you not just a new job but the right job.

Using our longstanding relationships with Partners and HR managers across the country, we are able to speed up the application process and tell you about opportunities specifically suited to your legal talents.

The next challenge is the interview stage for those who are lucky, where for some who apply directly, you will be unsure of how best to prepare for each type of interview, unsure of exactly what the person conducting the interview is looking for and unsure of how many people you are up against and what level of experience they have.

Working with an experienced legal recruitmentconsultant brings many advantages to this part of the recruitment process.  Nine times out of 10 we will have other candidates who have gone or are going through the same interview process at that law firm so we can give you advice on the types of questions you will be asked and advise you on how best to prepare. We also meet the majority of partners/recruiting managers that we work with, therefore we will be able to brief you on the type of person the interviewer will be and also what other qualities they are looking for, in addition to your legal experience.

Finally comes the offer stage for the lucky few, where on receiving your offer from the firm directly you may not be happy with the offer amount or hours but do not wish to rock the boat by asking for more.

The benefits of working with a consultant are significant here as we will do all the difficult bits for you. We will happily negotiate salary, hours and benefits packages for you, using years of experience in order to get you the best possible package available, whilst making sure that your offer is secure. We are also able to provide you with salary survey information, to keep you up to date of where your current salary fits in with the market rate.

In conclusion, using a recruitment consultant saves you a lot of time and effort and allows you to apply to the best suited roles whilst they support you through the whole process, working hard on your behalf to get the best possible outcome.

For more information on how our experienced legal recruitment consultants can help you, or if you have a particular vacancy which you require assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0845 241 0933 or email

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