Katherine Scarff
Katherine Scarff
Senior Associate

Articles From the Team

The benefits of team work

It is always a scary thought taking time out in recruitment and having a holiday when the market is so buoyant. Having recently been away, those were my thoughts exactly, what will happen to my candidates? How will my clients react to having someone else deal with them and how will I make any money?

Luckily upon my return I came in to the news that from the time and effort that I had put in before my travels my candidates managed to secure a new job that they were happy with and had a really positive experience of working with us. As much as this success was down to the candidates’ performance at interview, it was also down to the hard work of the team.

At BCL Legal we understand that working together is paramount and if you don’t it can really affect another’s success. At BCL we now have four specialist consultants each specialising in residential property in one particular location which really allows us to drill down into the large database we have and find those hidden gems. In addition to this many of our candidates come to us through recommendations and referrals.

At BCL Legal we really understand the importance of working together and building strong relationships not only with our candidates but also each other. Yes there will always be a competitive element to any recruitment role but working together in a cohesive and supportive environment really is the key to a successful team.

If you are a conveyancer looking to move in an extremely busy market then do get in touch. We have a range of exciting and unique opportunities across the region.

For more information, please contact Katherine Scarff at BCL Legal.

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