Katherine Scarff
Katherine Scarff
Senior Associate

Articles From the Team

The greatest gift you can give is feedback

Are you thinking of building your teams? Perhaps as property is booming and there is a big demand for conveyancers. If this is the case look no further because at BCL Legal we help lots of leading firms secure the best possible talent. We have constant liaison with candidates as we spend time really getting to know them because at the end of the day we really want to help them find a new role that they will enjoy and have a prosperous career in.

The question is how urgent is your requirement? At BCL Legal we also spend a lot of time speaking to firms to address their urgency for their requirement and by doing this we know who to speak to and when. The most important thing that we do is that we really encourage our candidates to keep in contact with us as much as possible because priorities change daily and it’s important for us to know what our candidates want. As much as we encourage our candidates to keep in touch it is also important from the client side because after an interview all a candidate wants to know is do they have the job or not? As the market moves really quickly and good quality candidates are sometimes difficult to come by and they often have several other things going on it is a really competitive market. A quick response is great because it lets everyone know where they stand and could secure you with the best possible person for the job. So let’s end this year on a high, recruit good quality conveyancers and give them the greatest gift this Christmas…. feedback and even a happy and exciting new career move.

For more information on how BCL could help you secure the best possible talent please contact Katherine Scarff on 0113 323 4904.

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