Articles From the Team

Tis’ the season to be jolly

The German market has arrived in Birmingham, the John Lewis Christmas advert is on TV, shelves are stocked with mince pies in Tesco – the festive season is in full swing!

Along with numerous other social events around the corner, this inevitably means that your Christmas party is on its way.

You may have been invited by your soon-to-be employer in a job you’re due to start in the New Year, you may have been in your new role for a few months or you may have been there years!

Christmas parties are a minefield of potentially hazardous pitfalls so I have tried to put together a list of dos and don’ts to steer you through these treacherous waters…

- Office Politics: Remember general office etiquette at all times. Alcohol in large quantities usually makes for loose lips. Use events such as these to meet people from other offices, get to know colleagues and build your network. This could help you in the long term! Don’t get involved in gossiping, don’t confess your sins to your colleagues and don’t tell your boss how to fix the business whilst subtly asking for a pay rise…

- Don’t overindulge: We all love a free drink but the most common mistake is to overindulge. Feel free to let your hair down but remember your superiors are present and they are highly likely to be judging you and your actions will have consequences. Know your limits! There's no point being the life and soul of the party at 7.30pm and vomiting uncontrollably in the toilets a couple of hours later…

- Dress appropriately: Don’t wear something too revealing or outlandish. Make sure you know the dress code and stick to it. Consult colleagues in the office – what are they wearing? It is one thing making an entrance but it’s another falling flat on your face in a ridiculous outfit!

- Don’t be over friendly: According to a recent survey, alcohol fuelled romance is often in the air at holiday season events. 20% of staff admit they have kissed a colleague, 14% flirted with their boss and 12% did something they regret.

As a consultant at BCL Legal I talk to candidates and clients daily; everyone is keen to bring on board someone sociable, personable and ambitious. Bear in mind your hard work, character building and stellar office reputation could be destroyed in one foul move at the office Christmas party so please head my advice.

Apparently 1 in 50 people said they had quit their job at the office party – if this applies to you or you are thinking of making this statement, please contact BCL Legal or call 0845 241 0933.

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