Articles From the Team

To do or not to do…?

I’m a list-maker. I love them. It may be partly down to my love of stationery (the excitement of getting a new pen or starting a fresh notebook can make me a bit giddy) but there’s an added satisfaction in seeing everything I need to do written down. It makes it clear, it means I can check things off (ideally in a different coloured pen…..any excuse for more stationery) and, most importantly, it means I can stop having those moments where I suddenly panic that I have forgotten do something.

As working professionals, I am sure our to-do lists look quite long on a Monday….and by Friday they seem even longer. There are always new things to be added (generally far more than we cross off the list) and, if you’re anything like me, there will be a number of things that you have started but have yet to actually complete. Over the past couple of months I have made a concerted effort to manage my time more effectively. Having read a number of articles on the subject of time management, I personally feel that the 4D approach holds the most weight. This article explains the approach in detail – but essentially, once I have written my list I spend 5 minutes rating the urgency of what is on my list. When you start to think about what you need to do versus what can be deferred (or delegated) it’s amazing how many of the erroneous points on your list can cross off your list(I personally favour a green pen for this).

By sticking to this I have seen a noticeable increase in my productivity. This is perfect timing, as at BCL Legal in London we have seen an upturn in the number of roles that we are working on – it’s a busy time and we want to make sure that we are doing our best for you. So, write down your to-do list. And if looking for a new job is on there – then make sure that’s the one thing that you stop deferring!

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