Katherine Scarff
Katherine Scarff
Senior Associate

Articles From the Team

What’s the difference between high street and volume conveyancing firms?

In my role at BCL Legal I speak to lots of candidates spending time with them helping them find and secure the job that they desire. Spending quality time with candidates both face to face and over the phone really allows me to understand what is important to them, is it salary progression, location or the reputation of the firm?

Once I have this information I run through lots of firms with them that might be suitable and a prospect that could just be what they are looking for, the question is would you choose a high street or volume? It’s an interesting topic because what does volume actually mean? Some of the “volume” firms that I work with have changed so much, yes it’s a busy job but a high volume caseload doesn’t necessarily mean that it is unmanageable because if it was, people would just leave. In fact one firm that I know really well based in Leeds is often referred to as “volume” this particular firm has one of the best staff retention rates, has a fantastic work/life balance and is now one of Yorkshire’s most highly regarded firms.

Often people perceive high street as a better prospect as you deal with the whole conveyancing process not just parts of it however, now lots of the “volume” firms have changed the way they work and a fee earner will deal with every aspect of the process. You may also think working in a high street practice may give you more face to face client contact which sometimes can be the case but not always.

From my experience both are different and are great prospects, I know that if I was seeking a new role I would want to go to as many firms as possible, make a more informed decision and keep my options open. Two things happen at an interview you might like it and secure a job or it doesn’t work out, you have more commitment to another firm and at the same time have a better overview of the market. If you would like some advice on the roles that are available to you within residential property then please get in touch with Katherine Scarff on 0113 3234904.

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