Charlotte Newton
Charlotte Newton

Articles From the Team

Legal jobs and relocation: questions you’re likely to be asked at an interview

If you’re considering multiple locations in your legal jobs search there are few questions you’re likely to be asked by a prospective employer, so it’s worthwhile thinking about them prior to the interview stage.

We work with many lawyers who are considering multiple locations, especially at the more junior level, and this is absolutely fine, but make sure you prepare accordingly.

Here are some of the most common questions asked of those looking to relocate:

  • Why are you considering relocation?
  • Do you have any ties to the area?
  • If you don’t have any family/friends in the area, what’s the attraction?
  • Have you visited the area before and do you know the area well?
  • How easy is it for you to relocate?
  • Do you own property?
  • If you do, have you thought through the process of selling/renting it out and how long this will take?
  • Will you be looking to buy or rent in the area?
  • When are you planning to relocate?
  • How much notice do you need to move? Are you likely to need longer than your notice period?

Bottom line, interviewers want to see you’re committed; that you’re going to accept an offer and take the role. They also want some assurance you’re going to stay. Of course, situations change but firms are making an investment in you and they want to hire people who are likely to stay at the firm for a long time. 

We often find that when candidates are considering multiple locations it’s because they want to find the “best role”. Perhaps you’re a trainee and you want to secure a newly qualified role in a certain discipline. This is totally reasonable, but you still need to convince your prospective employer that you’ve thoroughly given it thought: the realities of relocation and the steps you need to take.

When it comes to questions around time, it’s important to be completely honest as the law firm may need someone to start within a certain timeframe and you don’t want this to become an unnecessary issue further down the line.

Taking some time to think about these questions before an interview will really help you. You’ll be able to show your commitment and suitability for the role.


The most common interview Qs

Asking the right Qs during an interview

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