Joanna Marklove
Joanna Marklove

Articles From the Team

What do you value in a manager?

I have recently taken up a new role of team manager since returning from maternity leave late last year. It is always quite a big step as you are to a degree stepping away from your comfort zone into something new. I always try to think about what I looked for when I was starting out in my career and what I liked about my manager and use these elements in my own approach to management.

Motivate. Motivating people is a really important factor and sometimes one of the hardest parts of being a manager. This is especially hard when in a sales driven environment when working to specific targets that are often monetary. It's hard to try and find the positives when you’re behind your own target! But attitude is infectious!!! If you try and find the positives in any situation no matter what it lifts a team.

Listen. Listening is really important. You need to understand your team and their view points. If you don’t listen then I think motivation is more difficult as you are almost pulling someone in a different direction. Differences of opinion are always going to happen as everyone is rarely the same and often very different but when this happens it’s important to explain why and how and make sure they understand why you are making the decision you are. Without explaining this they are never going to walk alongside you. If you know your team and they understand why you make your decisions it makes life a lot easier.

Feedback. Feedback is also important, even when it’s negative. Feedback should be viewed as a personal development tool rather than a performance appraisal as it helps people to learn and improve their own strategies long term.

For more detail please contact Joanna Marklove or visit our website BCL Legal

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