Ian Cohen, director and head of Medical Negligence at Goodmans Law

What is your role at Goodmans Law?
I’m director and head of medical negligence at Goodmans Law

What's the best thing about your job?
Guiding my clients through what is to them a daunting litigation process, securing the best possible outcome for them and then witnessing the transformation as they receive the best possible care and rehabilitation package with the knowledge that the compensation I have secured will make a significant difference to them and their families .

What's the most interesting case you have dealt with?
I am continually inspired by the strength and courage of my clients to seek justice and the answers they need. The Alder Hey Organ Retention case and more recently the George Rowland litigation are particular examples of how a group of people can come together in the most difficult circumstances to make a real and positive difference to the standard of care and accountability of our medical system, in the firmly held belief that lessons will be learnt from the mistakes made in their individual cases.

What has been the greatest achievement in your profession to date? Establishing Goodmans Law Limited, together with my fellow directors, as a nationally respected law firm providing excellence in the fields of medical negligence and serious injury law.

What would you have been if you weren't a lawyer?
In my dreams a footballer but in reality a teacher.

What would you advise lawyers beginning their legal career today?
To pursue an area of the law that they have a passion for and to always be willing to learn from others.
